* Econ-626 * This is not the most efficient way of doing a bootstrap * (repeatedly accessing a file from disk), but it is transparent for demonstration purposes. * original regression cd "YOURPATHHERE" use "example-continuous-resid.dta" , clear reg y x * create dataset with 13 obs clear all local obsno 13 set obs `obsno' local BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS=1000 * create index in this dataset, 1 through 13 gen myindex=_n * for iteration = 1/BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS forvalues iteration=1/`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS' { if mod(`iteration',100)==0 { di "Iteration `iteration'" } * capture drop ---- cap drop rownum * generate a new variable rownum = ceil(uniform()*13) - random numbers 1-13 equal prob. qui gen rownum = ceil(uniform()*`obsno') cap drop y x mmm * merge m:1 rownum qui merge m:1 rownum using "example-continuous-resid.dta" , keep(match master) gen(mmm) * keep if ---- == 3 *keep if mmm==3 * reg y x quietly reg y x * local b`iteration' = _b[x] local b`iteration' = _b[x] } * clear clear * set obs BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS set obs `BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS' * gen betahat=. gen betahat=. * for iteration = 1/BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS forvalues iteration=1/`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS' { * quietly replace betahat = `b`iteration'' in `iteration' quietly replace betahat = `b`iteration'' in `iteration' } * sum betahat, det * sort betahat * view the 2.5th percentile and 97.5th percentile of betahat local lo025=floor(0.025*`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS')-1 local hi025=ceil(0.025*`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS')+1 local lo975=floor(0.975*`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS')-1 local hi975=ceil(0.975*`BOOTSTRAPREPLICATIONS')+1 sort betahat list in `lo025'/`hi025' list in `lo975'/`hi975' * The original 95 pct confidence interval was from roughly -0.016 to 1.187 * The (nonparametric) bootstrap 95 pct confidence interval should be from roughly -0.04 to 0.99