// ECON 626 FALL 2019 // L10. Attrition // A1. Bounding 1 clear all set seed 12345 *cd "E:\Dropbox\econ-626-2019\lectures\L10 Attrition\activities" use ECON626L10A1data.dta // 1. How much attrition is observed overall? Is it correlated with treatment? // In what sense? What is the observed level of differential attrition. sum surveyed // 17.8 percent attrition reg surveyed treatment, r // Attrition if 5.3 percentage points more likely in the treatment group // Relationship between treatment and attrition is not statistically significant // (p-value 0.114) // 2. If you ignore attrition, what is the estimated impact of treatment on // income five years after the intervention? What is the estimated impact // of treatment on the probability of self-employment? reg income treatment, r reg selfemp treatment, r // 3. Characterize the Manski bounds on the the impact of treatment on income. // 4. Compute the upper and lower Manski bounds on the impact of treatment on // self-employment: // 4a. Impute the lower bound by generating a variable equal to 0 for everyone // in treatment group who was not surveyed at endline, and equal to 1 for // everyone in the control group who was not surveyed at endline (and equal // to the observed value of \texttt{selfemp} for everyone surveyed at // endline). Regress this variable on \texttt{treatment} to calculate the // Manski lower bound. gen manski_lower = selfemp replace manski_lower = 1 if treatment==0 & selfemp==. replace manski_lower = 0 if treatment==1 & selfemp==. reg manski_lower treatment, r // Manski lower bound: -0.070 // 4b. Impute the upper bound by generating a variable equal to 1 for everyone // in treatment group who was not surveyed at endline, and equal to 0 for // everyone in the control group who was not surveyed at endline (and equal // to the observed value of \texttt{selfemp} for everyone surveyed at // endline). Regress this variable on \texttt{treatment} to calculate the // Manski upper bound. gen manski_upper = selfemp replace manski_upper = 0 if treatment==0 & selfemp==. replace manski_upper = 1 if treatment==1 & selfemp==. reg manski_upper treatment, r // Manski upper bound: 0.268 // 5. Compute the upper and lower Lee bounds for the impact of treatment on // income. gen lee_lower1 = income xtile newvar = income if treatment==1, nq(100) replace lee_lower1 = . if treatment==1 & newvar>=94 // trimming about 6.1 percent of 156 non-attritor observations reg lee_lower1 treatment gen lee_upper1 = income gen tempsortvar = cond(treatment==1,1,2) sort tempsortvar income id replace lee_upper1 = . in 1/10 reg lee_upper1 treatment // 6. Compute the upper and lower Lee bounds for the impact of treatment on // self-employment. ttest surveyed, by(treatment) // calculate differential attrition di 182 * 0.0527351 // need to drop 9.598 people tab selfemp treatment ** lower bound: di (78 - 9.598)/(156 - 9.598) - 110/292 ** upper bound: di (78)/(156 - 9.598) - 110/292 // 7. Check the above using the leebounds command leebounds selfemp treatment, select(surveyed)